5 Non Fiction Books I’m Reading This Year

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Although the vast majority of the books I read are fiction, I do prioritise mixing in some non fiction books each year. It might be tempting to dismiss them as boring but I have found many to be not only substantive but enjoyable too. Sometimes my nonfiction stack consists mostly of memoirs/autobiographies and biographies. Sometimes it consists mostly of self help books. Other times, it consists primarily of history books. I have realised that the type of nonfiction I focus on isn’t based on a deliberate decision. It really just depends on the mental space I’m in at the time. This year I’m reading mostly memoirs/autobiographies and biographies as well as historical accounts. Both genres intrigue me. Having a glimpse into significant historical events or into the life of someone you’ve found inspiring can be enriching.

As for self help books, I think it’s strange that I haven’t been into as many lately (I used to binge on them). I’m curious about the reasons why I have lost interest. Maybe I will pick up a few again soon. There are many useful, insightful ones out there covering a range of subjects from finances to creativity, business to relationships. For now though, here are five of the nonfiction books I’m reading this year. I haven’t opened any as yet but I am excited to do so.

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Well, that’s my round-up. Are you planning to read any nonfiction books this year? Are any of the ones I mentioned here on your list? Do you have any that you would recommend? Please share in the comment section below.


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